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Ynystawe Primary School, Clydach Road, Ynystawe, Swansea, SA6 5AY
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Ynystawe Primary School

'I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand' Confucius 551-479BC.

Home Page

Ynystawe Primary School

'I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand' Confucius 551-479BC.


Dear Parent/Carer,  


We would like to take this opportunity to remind you of our attendance procedure. As you are aware, we are committed to obtaining 95% attendance or above and must adhere to the school attendance policy. 


We now have updated forms which will need to be filled out to request any time away from school should you require it for your child. These forms will need to be completed for both term time holidays and any other leave that you may need for your child, i.e medical appointments, sports competitions, religious observance. The forms will be available on the school website or from the school foyer and all requests will be reviewed individually.  


Forms must be filled in 2 weeks prior to the engagement (exceptions will be made for emergency appointments). 


Schools will not authorise any absence for these reasons: child or family birthdays, sports clubs, shopping, haircut, special treats, unable to get up. This is in accordance with the Management of Absence policy on the school website.   

Persistent and continuing absence will result in letters sent home from school and possible meetings will be arranged if needed.  


With regards to lateness, our school day starts at 8.50am. We open our gates at 8.40am to allow flexibility. We also have our breakfast club for children who require this. No child should be unaccompanied in school before 8.40am. The side gates will remain closed and no one should access the school through the staff car park.  


Children who are not in school by 8.50 am will have this marked on the registers and this will be monitored by school staff and the EWO. If continued lateness persists, we will send a letter home, and possible meetings will be arranged if needed.  


If you need to collect your child early from school, this request must be submitted on the form mentioned above. Persistent and continued collection of children, earlier than the school finish time of 3.20pm, will be logged on the register and monitored. You will also need to sign your child out from the main office.  


Absences MUST be reported on the school absence answer machine by 9.30am on the 1st and 3rd day of absence. Please do not inform staff of absences through Class Dojo. If we do not hear from you, you will be contacted to report your child’s absence. If continued absence from illness persists we will request proof of illness.  


The new forms will come into effect immediately. If you have filled in an old holiday request for it will still be valid.  


We thank you for your continued support with this.  

