We are delighted to be able to offer parents/carers in the community Let's Talk With Your Baby sessions.
Let's talk with your baby is an Elklan course designed to promote communication development of babies from 3 to 12 months old through fun activities. Each week has ideas for babies and parents to share together. This term in the nursery classroom on Wednesdays from 1.30 - 2.30pm. FREE Sessions.
The sessions are:
April 26th (Let's feel and splash) Come and have some fun with your baby, meet other parents and babies and learn how playing with different objects and splashing with water can help your baby develop great language skills. Make a sensory bottle to take home.
May 3rd (Let's make a noise) This week we will be playing with instruments, learning lots of songs and rhymes and thinking about how simple tunes and rhythms help your baby communicate. Make a simple instrument to take home.
May 10th (Let's take turns) One of the most exciting parts of talking with your baby is the idea of serve and return. Even tiny babies can take turns, so we talk about how this works and play lots of fun games to develop this important communication skill. Learn how to play the Tap Tap game at home with things you have around you.
May 17th (Let's move) Babies love to move, wriggle and jiggle. Songs and games to develop lots of hand, finger and arm movements. Learn how these games support early language and make a fun toy with ribbons to take home and play with.
May 24th (Let's Chill) Even young babies can show us their favourite games and songs, so we'll choose their favourite activities, have the parachute and bubbles out, and enjoy communicating and playing together.